Bandages and Kisses….

Bandages and Kisses……


Watching from a distance, you are unaware

All I need, is for you to know, that I care

I so wish that I could return

To the innocent years of tender concern

To when you were young

And your hurts could be fixed by me, your Mum

With bandages and kisses

Pinky promises and fairy wishes


Your eyes are sad as you turn to me

Smiling halfheartedly

You come to me and I hug you tight

You sob with all your might

I know I cannot fix this for you

Oh how I wish we could go back through

The time of bandages and kisses 

Pinky promises and fairy wishes


Our eyes meet, words unspoken

Your tender heart is torn and broken

I gently wipe away the tears from your face

We need Gods loving grace

It will be alright

I say with eyes so bright

Wondering about the days

When the mending was in simple ways

Of bandages and kisses

Pinky promises and fairy wishes


You look at me knowing what is true

Mum cannot fix this for you

She has the bandages and the kisses

And will make pinky promises and sort out fairy wishes

But these cannot fix a broken heart

That others have torn apart

These cannot fix hurt feelings

That others trod on with thoughtless dealings

They are unable to heal

This pain that is so real


Hold on to the truth, my dear one, and have the courage to show

All you have learnt and undoubtedly know

That complete healing is intricately through

What is entirely perfect and true…..

That only Gods grace can completely bind up the pain

Which He covers and He balms with the kisses of His name

It is His promise of hope for what tomorrow brings

That will carry us through the skies, soaring on the Eagles wings……

2 thoughts on “Bandages and Kisses….

  1. What I read here between every line is a mothers love for a beautiful child. Then how much more can we as His precious children feel our Fathers flawless love for us each and every day, hugs from me, sis.


  2. Amazing poem Colleen… beautiful. xx


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