Missed Dearly 

For Teesh’s family who miss her more, than words can say.


Missed Dearly


Today has ended, like any other

Except it hasn’t been, just another

The sun has risen and warmed the day

It also has set, with glorious beautiful rays

Yet a heavy sadness, infiltrated through

Each moment, remembering all that is true

It has marked a time, of broken hearts

Where sorrow has lived and tears continue to start

Of grief that goes beyond, any soul can bear

And a love carried now, in tears and prayer

Through the quiet moments, Gods peace is shared

In the hugs when feeling lost and being scared

Or in desperate loneliness and uninvited fear

These days of anguish, have turned into a year

A distance in time, yet real everyday

As close as a moment, each time a tear falls away

Though sadness remains, it sinks beneath

For Gods loving arms carry, from underneath

All certainty and uncertainties, continue to reign

While Gods love and comfort, intricately sustains

A collection of the deepest emotions, wrapped in His love

Missed dearly, for she lives with Him, in heaven above

The Gravity of His Gracious Liberty…

Our Saviour lives…

“The Gravity of His Gracious Liberty”

Can you see 

The price

Of His ultimate sacrifice? 

Can you know

The verity

Of His perfect sincerity?

Can you hear

The sound

Of His thorny crown?

Can you taste 

His salt

For our sinful fault?

Can you feel

His pain

For our sinful stain?

Can you believe

The truth

Of Him saving the uncouth? 

Can you praise

The love

Of His Father up above? 

Can you grasp,

The gravity 

Of His gracious liberty?

He has risen

For you to believe

He now lives

So we can receive

Him as our Mediator

Who stands in our place

So we can know and believe

Gods unmerited saving gift of grace